
Showing posts with the label feed

Palm Kernel Cake/P.K.C

         Fresh 25kg Gh70 and 50kg Gh130 Description: It's usually used as a fattening source in animals feed for weight gain. Please follow the link below for your order: P.K.C BUY NOW:

Vetrimycin A/D Premix

It is a premix generally used for poultry and livestock,which contains antibacterial properties, vitamins and growth factors benefiting all ages when used. PRICE: 20gh SIZE: 1 kilo For your order please press link below to order.

Nutri pack meal for rabbits,grasscutters....

(2 items displayed)  Nutri pack meal for short is N.p.m THE NEWLY ADVANCED NPM &NPM GROWER FORMULA IS HERE!!! 💥Nutri pack one quality feed with the lowest prices    you can find in today's market.  Details of Npm &NPM Grower Below👇 The difference between this two is  variation in composition and target/ result. NPM 15kg Ghc100 NPM   📍25kg -Ghc160  📌 30kg- Ghc190  Get a discount on 20 bags or more. Description :  Description: Nutri Pack Meal for rabbits,grasscutters &poultry.Its a specially made multi purpose mash feed.For short it is referred to as N.P.M (for all ages). NPM/Nutri pack meal for breeding stock,breastfeeding ones,layers,and all ages is a specially fortified feed made to prevent nutritional deficiencies.  It has ingredients such as protein,energy,fibre,fat,calcuim,phosphorus,sodium etc with vital additives inclusive to ensure their total wellbeing. This feed is packed with additional rich ingredients to ensure a well balanced diet in livestoc...