Description: Nutri Pack Meal for rabbits,grasscutters &poultry.Its a specially made multi purpose mash feed.For short it is referred to as N.P.M (for all ages).
NPM/Nutri pack meal for breeding stock,breastfeeding ones,layers,and all ages is a specially fortified feed made to prevent nutritional deficiencies.
It has ingredients such as protein,energy,fibre,fat,calcuim,phosphorus,sodium etc with vital additives inclusive to ensure their total wellbeing.This feed is packed with additional rich ingredients to ensure a well balanced diet in livestock, which they can depend on for a longer period with no issues as long as feeding is concern.
If you want a more reliable feed for your rabbits, grasscutters,poultry birds,even breeding pigs,look no further; always remember to choose NPM where quality is guaranteed
🥉This feed is exclusively distributed by ellod farm ventures.
(Nutri pack meal.../NPM
🚩It's a multifunctional feed
🚩It has been prepared to improve feed Conversion rate & proper digestion as well as support appetite.
🚩Promotes healthy growth and has stress fighting properties.
🚩New ingredients has now been added to maintain productivity/increase litter size&quality breast milk for rabbits,grasscutters and pigs placed on it.It also alleviate mortality.
🚩 For poultry,it's improves egg production.
🚩It's has been carefully fortified to boost immune system of livestock to enable them fight off or resist various diseases.
🚩It promotes & maintains the overall wellbeing
of livestock & poultry when placed on it.
Everything is inside already ,you just sprinkle small water to the quantity you are ready to serve to make it semi dry.
"Npm & Npm grower is currently one of the most reliable and affordable feed you can get in today's market.Please start placing your stock on it for improved results - the longer the best.Shift to Npm now.
💔Beware of immitations
♥️This feed is exclusively distributed by ellod farm ventures
For short NPM Grower:
The newly advanced formula!!!
Size: 15kg Gh100
25kg 160gh
30kg 190gh
Get a discount on 20 bags or more.
(Nutri pack meal)NPM Grower for rabbits &grasscutters.
(Nutri pack meal/)
N.P.M Grower for growing rabbits &grasscutters,also for pigs,target poultry birds for meat.
Its a specially made grower feed for these animals to gain healthy body weight and fast growth.It contains ingredients such as protein,fibre,fat,metabolic energy,calcuim, lysin, methionine and many more with all necessary additives.
📍It's promote good digestion, prevents and stops diarrhea
📍It has been fortified to gradually clear toxins,prevent bacteria, virus and inflammation from their system.
📍It actually made to promote intestinal health and generally boost the immune system of growing animals placed on it.
📍It particularly promote fast growth and body weight gain.
📍It also improves the fur colour /skin shine of the animals.NB: where it doesn't show for a particular animal on this feed,check for parasite or worms hidden issues and treat it. Result will be clear.
📍N.p.m grower is recommended for meat rabbits and grasscutters at any age,pets,weaned ones, and growing ones who requires weight gain.When raising breeding stock (e.g rabbits& grasscutters)after 4months you can start giving them N.P.M.
📍Pregnant ones with especially issues of producing very tiny babies can be placed on it.
Everything is inside already ,you just sprinkle small water to the quantity you are ready to serve to make it semi dry.
" Npm grower is currently one quality and most affordable feed you can find in today's market."
Please follow the link below to reach us or whatsapp.
*How to know if your rabbit has worms (endo&ecto)?* 👇 _Eating quality food but still same!_
🐇An unusual appetite
🐇Weight loss
🐇 Scratching &biting anal areas/irritations around rear end.
🐇🧐Poor coatings or rough fur
🐇Diarrhea or poop looking sticky(presence of blood/mucus)
🐇Looking dull or lethergic
🐇🧐You may notice worms in your rabbit’s droppings
Get them appropriate dewormers. There are various types in vet/agro related shops. We also sell some.